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The Ultimate Homemade Eskimo Pie Popsicle Recipe

Homemade Eskimo Pie Popsicles

Homemade Eskimo Pie popsicles are a delightful frozen treat that combines the creamy goodness of vanilla ice cream with a rich chocolate coating. Perfect for summer, these nostalgic popsicles are surprisingly easy to make at home, allowing you to indulge in a delicious dessert that’s both fun to create and enjoy


The Homemade Eskimo Pie popsicles is a classic frozen dessert that combines the creamy goodness of vanilla ice cream with a rich chocolate coating. This Eskimo Pie popsicle recipe is perfect for summer, nostalgic for childhood, and surprisingly easy to make at home. In this guide, we’ll dive deep into the process of crafting these delightful treats, ensuring you achieve that perfect balance of creamy and crunchy.

Before we begin, it’s worth noting the versatility of this recipe. Whether you want to stick to the classic flavors or experiment with your variations, the possibilities are endless. Plus, making these popsicles at home allows you to control the quality of ingredients, making them potentially healthier and definitely more delicious than store-bought versions. For more on the history and origin of Eskimo Pies, you can refer to this Smithsonian article.

For those interested in exploring more homemade desserts, check out this chocolate sourdough bread recipe for another unique treat you can make from scratch.

Ingredients Needed to homemade Eskimo Pie popsicles

Core Ingredients

To create the classic homemade Eskimo Pie popsicle, you will need the following ingredients:

Optional Ingredients for Variations

If you’re feeling adventurous, consider adding some of these ingredients to create variations of the classic recipe:

For more on creative desserts, you might also enjoy this zucchini banana bread recipe, which offers a healthy yet indulgent option.

Step-by-Step Homemade Eskimo Pie popsicles Instructions


  1. Choosing the Right Ice Cream Consistency: Start with slightly softened ice cream, which makes it easier to mold and shape. Allow the ice cream to sit at room temperature for about 10-15 minutes.
  2. Preparing the Chocolate Coating: Melt your chocolate slowly over a double boiler or in the microwave. Add coconut oil to the melted chocolate, stirring until smooth. This will help the chocolate set properly on the popsicles.
  3. Setting Up Your Workspace: Before you begin, ensure that you have all your tools and ingredients ready. This includes your popsicle molds, sticks, melted chocolate, and any toppings you wish to use.

Making the Popsicles

  1. Molding the Ice Cream: Spoon the softened ice cream into popsicle molds. Press it down firmly to avoid air pockets and ensure a smooth, even texture.
  2. Freezing Process Tips: Insert the popsicle sticks and freeze the molds for at least 4 hours, or until the ice cream is completely solid. Freezing at a lower temperature (around -18°C or 0°F) will give the best results.
  3. Dipping in Chocolate: Once frozen, carefully remove the popsicles from their molds. Dip each popsicle into the melted chocolate, letting any excess drip off. You can dip each popsicle twice for a thicker chocolate layer.

Finishing Touches

  1. Adding Toppings: Immediately after dipping, sprinkle your chosen toppings over the chocolate before it hardens. This could be crushed nuts, shredded coconut, or colorful sprinkles.
  2. Tips for a Smooth Chocolate Coating: Work quickly and ensure that the chocolate is not too hot, as it may melt the ice cream. If you notice any imperfections, you can dip the popsicle again.
  3. Final Freeze: After dipping and adding toppings, place the popsicles back in the freezer for 10-15 minutes to set the chocolate completely.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with a simple recipe like this, some common issues may arise. Here’s how to troubleshoot them:

Soft Ice Cream Before Dipping

If your ice cream starts to soften too much before you can dip it in chocolate:

Overheated Chocolate

Overheating chocolate can cause it to become thick and difficult to work with:

Difficulties in Dipping

If the chocolate doesn’t coat the popsicles evenly:

Healthier Alternatives and Customizations Homemade Eskimo Pie popsicles

Creating a healthier version of the homemade Eskimo Pie popsicle is easy and allows you to enjoy this treat guilt-free.

Healthier Ice Cream Alternatives

Healthier Chocolate Options

Additions for Extra Nutrition

For those interested in making even more health-conscious choices, you might find the why is sourdough the healthiest bread article insightful.

Comparison: Homemade Eskimo Pie popsicles vs. Store-Bought Eskimo Pies

Advantages of Homemade

Nutritional Differences

Taste and Texture Comparison

Homemade Eskimo Pie popsicles: (FAQ) Section

What is the Best Chocolate to Use for Eskimo Pie Popsicles?

The best chocolate to use is one with a high cocoa content, such as dark chocolate with 70% cocoa. It offers a richer flavor and healthier profile than milk chocolate.

Can I Use Homemade Ice Cream Instead of Store-Bought?

Absolutely! Using homemade ice cream allows you to control the ingredients and tailor the flavor to your liking. Plus, it often results in a creamier texture.

How Long Do Homemade Eskimo Pie Popsicles Last in the Freezer?

These popsicles can last up to 2 months in the freezer if stored properly in an airtight container. This ensures they remain fresh and free of freezer burn.

Can I Make This Recipe Dairy-Free or Vegan?

Yes, you can substitute dairy-based ice cream with a vegan alternative such as coconut milk or almond milk ice cream. Use dark chocolate that’s free of dairy for the coating.

How Do I Avoid Air Bubbles in the Chocolate Coating?

To avoid air bubbles, ensure that the chocolate is smooth and that you dip the popsicles in one continuous motion. Gently tap theback and gently shake off any excess chocolate after dipping. This will help ensure a smooth, even coating.

What Are Some Creative Variations for Eskimo Pie Popsicles?

There are numerous ways to get creative with your homemade Eskimo Pie popsicles:

Creative Variations of Homemade Eskimo Pie popsicles

Homemade Eskimo Pie popsicles are already a delightful treat, but there’s always room for creativity. Here are a few ideas to take your popsicles to the next level.

Flavor Infusions

Themed Popsicles

Gourmet Additions

For more unique recipe ideas, check out this guide on creamy pasta Alfredo with red peppers.

Serving and Storing Tips

Properly serving and storing your homemade Eskimo Pie popsicles ensures they remain delicious and fresh for as long as possible.

Serving Suggestions

Proper Storage Techniques

Shelf Life Considerations


Creating homemade Eskimo Pie popsicles is not only a fun and rewarding experience but also allows for endless customization to suit any taste. Whether you stick to the classic vanilla and chocolate combo or venture into more adventurous flavors and toppings, these popsicles are sure to be a hit.

By following the detailed steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to craft the perfect Eskimo Pie popsicles at home. Don’t forget to share your creations with family and friends—they might just become your new go-to treat for special occasions or everyday indulgence.

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